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Environmental management


Tui Mine Remediation Project

Details about the mine

The Tui mine is an abandoned mine in the Kaimai Range of New Zealand on the western slopes of Mount Te Aroha. Following the cleanup of the former Fruitgrowers Chemical Company site at Mapua, it was deemed to be the most polluted site in the world. the mine owner is Norpac mining. the mine is started in 1960 and its extract copper, lead, and zinc sulfides. the mines works were stopped in 1973. the mining company dumps waste rocks ore and mine tailings behind a dam. the tailing contains a significant amount of Zinc and Cadmium. because of the waste dumping, the water of the pool is completely contaminated and acidic .in 1997 there are no natural plants in the pool due to the high contamination.


Environmental issues occurred due to the Tui mine

v The heavy metals lead and cadmium was leaching from the dam to the Tunakohoia stream which flows through the Te Aroha town center. And the water supply of the town is also contaminated with heavy metals.

v  A separate catchment area near to the mine and the dam was also contaminated with heavy metals

v  The separate catchment of the mine is also provided a huge risk. In heavy rain, the catchment area water can be leakage into the river stream.

The remediation project of the Tui mine

The project was announced in 2007 by the New Zealand government. the government funding is $9.88 million and the government set up the project ending time to 2010.  the estimated cost of the project is $17.4 million and the mine site cleaning was complete in 2013, at a total cost  of $21.7 million. All costs are funding by the central government.

Remediation technologies used for this project

v An in-situ mixing of concrete and  0 lime (CaCo3) into the mining tailings to stabilize the liquid landfill and enable the ongoing management of the tailings dam.

v  Using the lay of the land and natural drainage patterns to flow surface water flows around the contamination prevents further contamination of clean water. While allowing for treatment of contaminated groundwater coming from the site.

v  After the fixing dam, the grass is introduced to the land and creates an ecosystem like previously.

 Monitoring Parameters and measurement methods




Detection level







ORP, dissolved oxygen, turbidity


All water quality sites

Calibrated field meters/s



pH,conductivity,total suspended solids


All water quality sites






SW11, SW13, and

SW 15

Total recoverable

0.001 g/m3

Total and dissolved trace elements






All water quality sites

Field filter for dissolved metals


Total recoverable metals


Anions and cations

Ca,Mg,total hardness,,K,Alkalinity and bicarbonate,carbonate and Co2,NO3,NO2,So4,Cl,Total

dissolved silica


SW3. SW5, SW 100, SW101


Field filtered



After the project complete The monitoring section is started. Tui mine remediation project is monitored according to the below sections.

v  Biological and water quality monitoring

v  Air discharge monitoring plan

v  Environmental monitoring plan

Tui mine monitoring plan is done according to the above sections.


Current situation of the Tui mine after the remediation


                                                                                  After the remediation project


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